Nouveaux guidelines

Quelques nouveaux guidelines : Oesophagite à éosinophiles. Hémorroïdes. Bonne pratique endoscopie digestive supérieure. Constipation chronique idiopathique. Retrouvez tous les guidelines dans notre rubrique Practice Guidelines. (Mise à jour janvier 2025).

In memoriam Dr Vincent Lamy

Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de tristesse le décès du Docteur Vincent LAMY, Président de la SRBGE 2013. Vincent Lamy est né à Kitega (Burundi), ce qui a sûrement contribué… Lire la suite

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It's not too late to register for tonight's #WednesdayWebinar : “Lights, Camera… Endoscopy. A Clinician's Guide to Creating Endoscopy Educational Videos” with experts George Webster, Katarzyna Pawlak and Tareq El Menabawey.
📅 Weds, March 05, 19:00 CET
High quality teaching videos can aid the dissemination of good practice & demonstrate novel approaches. Join our endoscopy educators to discuss how to deliver a truly excellent teaching video including audiovisual set up, editing, choosing the right cases & submitting for publication. We'll see you there!
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05 mars, 09:21
Its not too late to register for tonights #WednesdayWebinar : “Lights, Camera… Endoscopy. A Clinicians Guide to Creating Endoscopy Educational Videos” with experts George Webster, Katarzyna Pawlak and Tareq El Menabawey.
📅 Weds, March 05, 19:00 CET
High quality teaching videos can aid the dissemination of good practice & demonstrate novel approaches. Join our endoscopy educators to discuss how to deliver a truly excellent teaching video including audiovisual set up, editing, choosing the right cases & submitting for publication. Well see you there!

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🔵 March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month 🔵
At ESGE, we recognize the vital role that GI endoscopists play in the prevention, detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. High-quality endoscopy ensures the best outcomes for our patients, and we are committed to providing the tools and knowledge to support your practice. For the second year we are sharing weekly infographic tips throughout March, updated with the latest relevant evidence. These are designed to help all healthcare providers involved in GI endoscopy stay informed to provide the best possible patient care. Download and share via:
#ColorectalCancerAwareness #endoscopy #Gi #ESGE #cancerprevention #medicaleducation
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03 mars, 18:14
🔵 March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month 🔵
At ESGE, we recognize the vital role that GI endoscopists play in the prevention, detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. High-quality endoscopy ensures the best outcomes for our patients, and we are committed to providing the tools and knowledge to support your practice. For the second year we are sharing weekly infographic tips throughout March, updated with the latest relevant evidence. These are designed to help all healthcare providers involved in GI endoscopy stay informed to provide the best possible patient care. Download and share via:
#ColorectalCancerAwareness #Endoscopy #GI #ESGE #CancerPrevention #MedicalEducation

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🔥🆕 Publication:
Are you an endoscopist who performs EUS-guided tissue sampling? Our latest technical review describes the technical aspects of EUS-guided sampling in gastroenterology, including the available types of needle, sampling strategies, new devices, and specimen handling and processing. Fifteen evidence-based statements with GRADE appraisal of the quality of evidence, covering all the aspects of tissue sampling of several GI solid lesions and pancreatic cysts = vital reading. Congratulations to Antonio Facciorusso (pictured below), Marianna Arvanitaki, Stefano Francesco Crinò et al
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27 février, 12:16
🔥🆕 Publication: 
Are you an endoscopist who performs EUS-guided tissue sampling? Our latest technical review describes the technical aspects of EUS-guided sampling in gastroenterology, including the available types of needle, sampling strategies, new devices, and specimen handling and processing. Fifteen evidence-based statements with GRADE appraisal of the quality of evidence, covering all the aspects of tissue sampling of several GI solid lesions and pancreatic cysts = vital reading. Congratulations to Antonio Facciorusso (pictured below), Marianna Arvanitaki, Stefano Francesco Crinò et alImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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