In memoriam Dr Vincent Lamy

Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de tristesse le décès du Docteur Vincent LAMY, Président de la SRBGE 2013. Vincent Lamy est né à Kitega (Burundi), ce qui a sûrement contribué… Lire la suite

La Newsletter de l’UEMS

La dernière newsletter de l’European Section and Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (UEMS) du mois de juillet 2024 fait le point sur ses examens. Pour lire cette newsletter, veuillez cliquer… Lire la suite

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The deadline is approaching for applications to our Mentorship programme, an initiative of the ESGE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group:
It's a one-year program for endoscopists which aims to trigger diversity in our community and provide support with career and/or academic development.
We invite you to join...
✨ As a Mentor, if you have the experience and motivation to support and guide other endoscopy colleagues.
✨ As a Mentee, if you would like to receive support on your endoscopy career path.
⏰ Deadline: January 13, 2025
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10 janvier, 10:12
The deadline is approaching for applications to our Mentorship programme, an initiative of the ESGE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group:
Its a one-year program for endoscopists which aims to trigger diversity in our community and provide support with career and/or academic development. 
We invite you to join... 
✨ As a Mentor, if you have the experience and motivation to support and guide other endoscopy colleagues.
✨ As a Mentee, if you would like to receive support on your endoscopy career path.
⏰ Deadline: January 13, 2025

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#esgedays2025 is now open for Late Breaking Abstract Submissions! If you are the author of a high-quality original study with significant impact in the field of endoscopy, that was not complete at the time of the standard submission deadline, submit now:
🏃‍➡️ Move fast - the submission deadline is January 31, 2025. 🏃
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09 janvier, 11:41
#ESGEDays2025 is now open for Late Breaking Abstract Submissions! If you are the author of a high-quality original study with significant impact in the field of endoscopy, that was not complete at the time of the standard submission deadline, submit now:
🏃‍➡️ Move fast - the submission deadline is January 31, 2025. 🏃

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